About My Work
I learned Japanese painting (Nihonga)* at high school and university, whose institutions specialize in art. They taught me that the most important aspect was sketching. However, during my student years, I became interested in the act of drawing lines intuitively without thinking, rather than depicting to reproduce something concretely. From that point on, I began to create my pictures with Nihonga's materials by scratching the paint's surface into a lot of straight lines with a needle.
In my current creation, I focus on not only such abstract art but also “who I am” and how this personality influences and is related to the surrounding situation and inside myself.
*Nihonga: This category does not mean Japanese traditional painting, but the particular way of painting after the end of 19c, Meiji era. Nihonga painters ordinarily paint mineral pigments, animal glue, and water on hemp paper or silk.

宮城 菜々 / Nana Miyagi
1987年  東京都生まれ / Born in 1987 in Tokyo, Japan

経歴 / Experience
2023-the present
Master of Fine Art, The Glasgow School of Art, The United Kingdom 
金沢工業大学院イノベーションマネジメント専攻 著作権法ゼミ 修了
修士論文「現代美術と著作権に関する一考察 アプロプリエーションの手法を題材として」
Master of Intellectual Property Management in Copyright laws,
Kanazawa Institute Technology ToranomonGraduate School – Tokyo, Japan
Master’s thesis ‘A study of contemporary art and copyright: Subject of Appropriation art.’
有限会社カイカイキキ勤務 主に村上隆氏の絵画作品下図データ作成業務を担当
Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. Mainly in charge of digital drawing work for the artist Takashi Murakami's paintings
東北芸術工科大学芸術学部 美術科日本画コース 卒業
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Japanese Art, Tohoku University of Art and Design – Yamagata, Japan
東京都立芸術高等学校 美術科日本画専攻 卒業
Fine Arts in Japanese Art, Tokyo Metropolitan Art High School - Tokyo, Japan
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